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About me

I grew up with a big imagination and a love for creativity.


It started when my mom used to send my sister and I outside every single day and we would have to entertain ourselves for the hour. 


I would go climb mail boxes and fences and trees and watch our neighbourhood from above. I loved people watching; grown-ups would be walking down the street holding hands, carrying their groceries inside, doing yard work, and kids would be playing. I made friends with all the kids on my street. We would stare up at the sky and make shapes with the clouds and create stories about every single one. We would conjure up games and play them in the limited time we had together. We would draw designs with chalk on the pavement, wash them away, and repeat. We would build forts in our backyards. We would carve little streets in the garden where we would play with our toy cars. The list could go on and on. Anyone and everything would fascinate me.


This day that is still true. That is how I stumbled into this dream world of photography; it combines my love with creativity, human connection/interaction, adventure, and finding the beauty all around me.


"Photographs are memories trapped in time forever. They are fragments of the past, yet with just one glance make you feel everything you felt in the exact moment they were captured. Smells, tastes, sounds, feelings, and emotions- they all come flooding back in an instant. You can remember and re-live the best moments of your life. You can remember things that you forgot happened in the first place. You can travel back to a time before you even exisited. You can see places you have never been. You can see people you have never met. You can look into someone else's world, and them into yours. Photographs are little pieces of magic."

Let's talk

Fraser Valley, BC, Canada


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